Suffolk County Government Crest

Suffolk County Stormwater Management Program

Edward P. Romaine, County Executive

Department of Public Works

Department of Economic Development and Planning

The EPA Stormwater Phase II rule requires operators of municipal seperate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to develop a stormwater management plan. Operators of regulated MS4s are required to implement programs that reduce the discharge of pollutants and protect water quality. This must be achieved through the development and implementation of six mimimum control measures.

For more information, see the EPA Stormwater Program website.

EPA's Six Minimum Control Measures

Public Education and Outreach


  • Put an education program in place that teaches the impact of stormwater on Suffolk County’s waterbodies and focuses on measures that can be taken to minimize pollution.

What is Suffolk County doing now?

  • Education programs for youth, civic groups, and seniors have been developed and are underway.
  • The Suffolk County stormwater web site has been developed and is continually updated.

Some Future Plans:

  • Notification and education of commercial associations on how they can minimize their contributions to stormwater pollution.
  • Compilation of Suffolk County water quality data for the stormwater web site.
  • Coordination of education efforts with local municipalities.
  • Outreach to Suffolk County’s Hispanic community.

Contact the Stormwater Educator for more information on public education and outreach in Suffolk County. For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Public Education and Outreach (PDF).

Public Participation and Involvement


  • Implement practices to involve the public in Suffolk County’s Phase II Stormwater Program.

What's Suffolk County doing now?

  • Holding Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings to provide input and guidance on stormwater education and best management practices being implemented in Suffolk County.
  • Suffolk County has a successful Adopt-a-Highway program with over 100 lane miles adopted.

Some Future Plans:

  • Publication of CAC recommendations on the Suffolk County stormwater web site.

Contact the Stormwater Educator for more information on public participation and involvement in Suffolk County.

For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Public Participation and Involvement (PDF).

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination


  • Develop a plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges.
  • Develop a digital map showing the locations of all outfalls discharging stormwater from Suffolk County roads and properties.
  • Enact ordinances to prohibit illicit discharges into County-owned storm conveyance systems.
  • Educate the public, businesses, and County employees on the hazards associated with improper waste disposal.

What's Suffolk County doing now?

  • Field technicians have used Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to record the location of outfalls on County-owned parcels and roads.
  • The gps location of the outfalls, along with photos and descriptions of the outfall structures have been incorporated into Geographic Information System (GIS) software.
  • Working to pass a regulatory mechanism to prohibit illicit discharges in Suffolk County.
  • Educating the public on illicit discharges and how to report them through the Suffolk County Stormwater Management Program website.
  • Water quality monitoring and testing of County-owned outfall pipes to detect and remove illicit connections.

Some Future Plans:

  • Developing Illicit discharge detection and elimination guidelines describing the methodology used in this process.

Contact the Stormwater Specialist for more information on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination in Suffolk County.

For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination.

Construction Site Runoff Control


  • Establish a regulatory mechanism to minimize erosion and runoff from construction sites greater than or equal to one acre on County-owned roads and properties.
  • Ensure the use of proper best management practices (BMPs) at County-owned construction sites through site plan review and inspections.
  • Submit information related to construction site BMPs for public review.

What's Suffolk County doing now?

  • Compiling information on New York State approved BMPs for construction to develop a list of applicable BMPs for Suffolk County.
  • Incorporating construction BMPs into Suffolk County bid specifications for all construction projects (greater than or equal to 1 acre) on County-owned property.
  • Review and modify site inspection procedures for County-owned construction projects to incorporate proper operation and maintenance of stormwater BMPs.

Some Future Plans:

  • Incorporation of information submitted by the public and construction site inspections into existing County databases.

Contact the Stormwater Educator for more information on public education and outreach in Suffolk County. For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Public Education and Outreach (PDF).

Post-Construction Runoff Control


  • Establish a regulatory mechanism to minimize erosion and runoff from construction sites on County-owned roads and properties after project completion.
  • Develop and implement strategies to minimize post construction erosion and runoff through the use of best management practices (BMPs).
  • Ensure long-term operation and maintenance of these BMPs.

What is Suffolk County doing now?

  • Identifying structural and non-structural New York State approved BMPs that will be most effective in Suffolk County.
  • Incorporating post-construction BMPs into Suffolk County bid specifications for all construction projects greater than or equal to 1 acre on Suffolk County-owned property.

Some Future Plans:

  • Make incorporated BMPs available to the public.
  • Keep the public informed of where these BMPs are being used throughout Suffolk County.

Contact the Stormwater Specialist for more information on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination in Suffolk County.

For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination.

Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping


  • Develop an operation and maintenance program for the County to reduce pollutant runoff to the MS4.
  • Conduct employee training on the incorporation of pollution prevention measures in daily activities.

What's Suffolk County doing now?

  • Compiled information on current County practices in order to make the best recommendations possible to increase employee knowledge and prevent water pollution from County operations.
  • Developed a training presentation for County employees.
  • Provided training to 15 County employees.

Some Future Plans:

  • Develop a Suffolk County Pollution Prevention Plan.
  • Update existing databases to track the maintenance of County-owned stormwater structures.

Contact the Stormwater Specialist for more information on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination in Suffolk County.

For more information, see the EPA Fact Sheet on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination.